History of the Faculty
The Institute of Telecommunication Systems (ITS) was established in 2002 on the basis of the Department of Telecommunications, which was organized in 1993, and the Research Institute of Telecommunications, which began its activities in 1990 and was then called the Research Institute of Radio Electronics "TOR". The initiator of the creation of both the department and the institute was Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Ilchenko Mykhailo Yukhymovych, who actually headed these departments.

The origins of the history of ITS should be sought in the reasons for the creation of the above-mentioned department and institute, which took place in the first years of the birth of independent Ukraine. It was then that after the collapse of the USSR, the need to eliminate the backlog of Ukraine in the production of competitive means of telecommunications became especially tangible. (see I.V. Sergienko, "Informatics in Ukraine: formation, development, problems". –K.: Naukova dumka publ., 1999, 354 P.). The new Department of Telecommunications, created at KPI, became the first department in Ukraine that started training specialists specifically for the development (and not only the operation, as it was before) of telecommunications systems. The need to initiate such training was expressed in special documents adopted by the Ministry of Communications of Ukraine, the National Space Agency, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 1993, in pursuance of the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Inclusion of Communication Systems in Priority Scientific Areas of Ukraine by the State Committee of Ukraine for Science and Technology the State Scientific and Technical Program "Communication Systems" and the relevant scientific council were established. This state program was headed by prof. M.Yu. Ilchenko. He invited leading specialists of Ukraine in the field of communications to the scientific council and to participate in the work of the newly created Department of Telecommunications of KPI. Among them were professors S.G. Bunin, V.P. Vinnytsky, A.V. Dorovsky, K.S. Sunduchkov, L.P. Shcherbyna, O.M. Lebedev and others.

Since 1993, the Department of Telecommunications and Research Institute "TOR" began training specialists in a new for Ukraine specialty "Design of telecommunication devices, systems and networks". Two specializations of engineering training were immediately provided:
a) space systems for navigation, communications and television;
b) hardware and software complexes of telecommunication systems and networks.

Since 1998, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a new list of specialties, and the Department of Telecommunications has switched to training specialists in two specialties: "Technologies and Means of Telecommunications" and "Telecommunications Systems and Networks". In 2002, the second specialty was provided by the newly created eponymous department, which was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. L.S. Globa. In the same year, the training of specialists in the third specialty in ITS "Information Communication Networks" was started. Since the Research Institute of Electronic Technology "TOR" since the 90's conducted research mainly on the problems of telecommunications, in 2000 its name was brought into line with the content. It was renamed to the Research Institute of Telecommunications.
According to the Resolution of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2001, the scientific and methodological management of this institute was entrusted to the Department of Informatics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.