Institute of Telecommunication Systems
Educational and Research Institute of Telecommunication Systems as a structural subdivision of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” was established by order of the rector in February 2002. Its creation was a natural result of the formation and development of the Department of Telecommunications, the history of which began in May 1993 as part of the Faculty of Aviation and Space Systems. The creation of the department was a response to the state urgent need for specialists in the telecommunication industry. For the first time in Ukraine the training of developers of telecommunication devices of systems and networks began in the specialty, which at that time was called "Design of telecommunication systems and networks" in the field of "Electronic Devices", and later renamed as "Telecommunication Technologies and Means". The initiator of its creation and leader was Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.Yu. Ilchenko.
Address of the Director of the Institute
Dear friends!
I sincerely wish you good health, inspiration and success in work and study, happiness and prosperity. On our site you can get complete information about the Educational and Research Institute of Telecommunication Systems, its departments and research unit - Research Institute of Telecommunications. Today, the state of telecommunication networks of the state largely depends on the pace of its economic development. Without modern means of communication, the latest telecommunications and information technologies, it is impossible to imagine modern production, effective management or competitive business. In recent years, Ukraine has approached the European level of telecommunications development. Increasingly, such types of communication as cellular and satellite are being introduced in our country. Modern digital equipment is being introduced in public communication networks. Computer and information networks of various scales and purposes are being created.
Our educational and scientific complex of telecommunications as a basic subdivision of the research university - National Technical University "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" aims to train specialists who can create and operate modern information and communication systems and networks, conduct research on the development of new technologies. At our Institute you will be able to gain fundamental knowledge and obtain higher education in the field of information and telecommunication technologies.
Creative potential of our pedagogical and scientific team, material and technical and laboratory base, wide contacts with enterprises and companies of telecommunication profile, research institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, relations with scientific and educational institutions of other states give the opportunity to training specialists of different qualification levels : bachelors, masters, candidates and doctors of sciences, to carry out scientific research.
We invite everyone to cooperate and learn!

Regulations (in Ukrainian):
2. Regulations on the educational and Research Institute of Telecommunication Systems
Presentation about the Educational and Research Institute of Telecommunication Systems