Institute of Telecommunication Systems trains specialists at three levels of higher education:
- first (bachelor's) - 4 years (full-time and part-time);
- second (master's):
- master of educational and scientific training program - 1 year 9 months (full-time);
- master of educational and professional training program - 1 year 4 months (full-time and part-time);
- third (educational and scientific) - 4 years (full-time and part-time).
Specialty: 172 Telecommunications and radio engineering
Department of Telecommunications
Educational program: “Engineering and programming of infocommunications”

Head of the Department
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Serhii Olexandrovich Kravchuk

Acting Head of Department
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Valeriy Volodymyrovych Pravylo