E&R ITS Educational Programs


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On the basis of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 266 dated 04.29.15 and the order of the rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute "On Consolidation of Specializations by University Departments", since 2016, the Educational and Research Institute of Telecommunication Systems has been training specialists at three levels of higher education in specialty 172 "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering". Training of specialists of all levels takes place at two departments of the institute, which train students according to the following educational programs:



Educational degree

The educational program, according to which training is carried out

Department of Telecommunications

Bachelor Master

Engineering and programming of infocommunications

Department of Information and communication technologies and systems

Bachelor Master

Systems of electronic communications and the Internet of Things

Department of Information-communication technologies and systems

Bachelor Master

Information and communication technologies

Department of Telecommunications

Department of Information-communication technologies and systems


Engineering of innovative information and telecommunication technologies and systems

New educational programs of our institute are based on years of experience in training specialists in the field of "telecommunications" and the achievements of the scientific school in microwave, digital and informational electronic telecommunications. Conducting scientific and technical research and development is aimed at obtaining new knowledge, creating systems and technologies in the field of telecommunications. The production of new knowledge by lecturers and scientists is a constant source of updating the content of education through the formation of new educational programs, and on this basis, the creation of new technologies and equipment on an innovative basis. Among the achievements of the E&R ITS scientific school is the training of more than 30 doctors and candidates of sciences, the performance and implementation of many developments on the state demand, created with the participation of highly qualified members of our team, including 14 laureates of State prizes in the field of science and technology. The original scientific results of the E&R ITS scientists are used in the formation of the content of professionally oriented academic disciplines of all new educational programs. Thanks to the scientific basis, the training of specialists in the E&R ITS is aimed at obtaining competencies that will allow improving 4G technologies and creating and using 5G systems.

Training of specialists at the Institute of Telecommunication Systems is carried out in the field of knowledge 17 "Electronics and Telecommunications" at three levels of higher education – first (bachelor's), second (master's) and third (educational and scientific). It takes 4 years to get first (bachelor’s) level, 1 year 9 months (educational-scientific program) to get second (master’s) level and 1 year 4 months (educational-professional program), and 4 years to get third (educational-scientific) level.

While studying at E&R ITS, the most successful students are awarded with nominal scholarships of the university and leading telecommunications companies. Taking part in international and all-Ukrainian Olympiads, our students are awarded prizes.

According to the index of creative achievements, students of E&R ITS occupy leadership positions in the university.

The E&R ITS has introduced a master's training program in cooperation with the Dresden Technical University "Double Degree", which functions within the framework of the European program "Distributed Systems Engineering", with the participation of which ITS students have the opportunity to receive a second education in parallel under the single international double master's program "Engineering distributed systems". After graduation, ITS students receive a master's degree from TUD "Master of Science" and a master's degree from Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, i.e. two master's degrees - Ukrainian and European.

Educational program

"Engineering and programming of infocommunications"

The set of information and telecommunication systems/technologies, which in the process of processing and transmitting information act as a whole, is determined by the term of infocommunication.

Modern development of the field of infocommunication is characterized by an increase in its convergence of communication architecture with computer and information technologies and, as a consequence, an increasing amount of infocommunication systems by software. This tendency and the need to accelerate the processes of creating and implementing such tools indicates the need for training specialists who possess not only knowledge of the creation and operation of electronic communications, common general programming principles, but also knowledge of the implementation of specialized software for transfer, processing and storage of data .

The growth of demand for infocommunication services, the development of such systems and technologies requires continuous improvement of the appropriate means: from simple electronic devices - to complex hardware and software complexes that solve not only the problems of direct reception, transmission, processing and reproduction of information, as well as increased flexibility, productivity and reliability when creating a variety of programmable communications structures.

In line with the rapid growth in demand for infocommunication systems and services, there is an urgent need for training specialists who will have knowledge not only in developing, setting up, administering and improving the infocommunication infrastructure of operators/providers of communication services (especially mobile cellular systems 5G), television, data transmission (Internet services), but also knowledge of infocommunication systems and technologies for the formation of software platforms, languages and programming tools, specialized prog frame applications, protocols and technologies for processing and transmitting data with a given quality of service, as well as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, cloud technologies, IoT (Internet of Thinks) Internet and M2M/D2D interfacing systems.

 The educational program "Engineering and Programming of Infocommunications" provides a fundamental theoretical and applied practical training and aims at mastering graduates of special knowledge on:

  • configuration and organization of computer networks, systems of network channeling and switching; creation and improvement of the architectures, services and technologies of infocommunication; management and administration by infocommunication networks;

  • information security, anti-hacker attacks, cyber security;

  • software engineering and software testing, programming languages (C/C ++, Java, Python, Goland, Ruby, etc.); databases, WEB-programming, business analysis;

  • programming of network applications and mobile devices, software-configured networks SDN, software-oriented infocommunication devices SDR, hardware and software systems and devices for infocommunication;

  • development of multimedia and virtual reality systems, cloud computing and GRID technologies, artificial intelligence, 5th generation cellular mobile systems (5G), IoT, M2M/D2D, satellite and inter-planetary communications.

The Bachelor level provides the graduates with the competences in relation to: theoretical and practical bases for the construction and management/administration of information and telecommunication systems and networks, and their hardware and software platforms; general and specialized programming, information security.

The Master's level provides expertise in the creation of hardware and software complexes for devices, systems, networks, the introduction of new infocommunication technologies in conjunction with modern innovative areas of cloud computing, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, IoT, 5G.

The educational-scientific level provides the acquisition of competences in the field of scientific research, which allows you to master the organization of scientific activity in the doctoral program, mathematical modeling of systems and processes, modern trends in the development of infocommunications, the art of building high-speed communications and hardware and software complexes of subsequent generations, the creation of innovation scientific start-ups.

Fruitful cooperation with leading manufacturers of infocommunication equipment and developers of specialized software such as Alcatel-Lucent-a Nokia Corporation, Ericsson, EPAM, Huaway, Intel, Infopuls, GlobalLogic as well as mobile operators Kyivstar, Lifecell, Vodafone allows our graduates to be fully adapted for work in both mentioned companies and companies engaged in creation of infocomonics and support of their services, software and anti-hacker counteraction.

Educational program

"Information and Communication Technologies"

To provide access to modern Internet services and facilities at any time and in any place, communication systems and technologies use electronic networks that connect geographically distributed data centers with end users. The rapid increase in the need for obtaining information services and facilities determines the growth of the storage and processing of heterogeneous information and computing resources in nodes of "cloud" (located in different regions of the world) data centers. This requires the constant development and improvement of modern information and communication technologies, the construction of software and hardware platforms that will ensure the receipt of Internet services. Instead of developing their own infrastructure, communication operators and Internet service providers are increasingly introducing elements of a heterogeneous environment based on the Internet, Intranet, "cloud" technologies in combination with modern 3G, 4G and 5G communication networks to ensure high-quality user service. In addition, the latest IoT (Internet of Thinks) technologies require the organization of M2M and D2D (machine-to-machine and device-to-device) communications. These circumstances create an urgent need for the training of specialists who will not only have knowledge of the creation, administration and improvement of the information and communication infrastructure of communication operators and Internet service providers, but also knowledge of the general principles, information and communication technologies of creating and improving the software platform, languages and programming tools, specialized software protocols and data processing technologies with a given quality of service.

IKT network

Educational program (specialization) “Information and Communication Technologies” provides fundamental theoretical and applied practical training and aimed at mastering special knowledge of:

  • design of heterogeneous software and hardware platforms that provide modern communication and Internet services any time any place that operate in global environment;

  • design of “cloud” (software-defined) data centers in combination with modern 3G, 4G and 5G communication networks;

  • construction and use of the latest IoT(Internet of Things) communication system;

  • design of software and hardware platforms, data processing nodes, intelligent means of their interaction;

  • creation of energy-efficient intelligent protocols and means of parallel, collective processing of large amounts of information in data center nodes, the use of cloud resources and services.

The bachelor’s degree provides graduates with competencies in the theoretical foundations of building, configuring, managing, monitoring and diagnosing the information and communication infrastructure of telecom operators and Internet service providers.

The master’s level provides the acquisition of competencies for the development, design and creation of hardware and software infrastructure, heterogeneous Internet-based environments, cloud technologies in combination with modern 3G, 4G and 5G communication networks.

The level of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) provides the acquisition of competencies in research and development of the information and communication technologies, the creation and implementation of technologies for pervasive computing, IoT, BigData.

Cooperation with leading companies – developers of specialized software, including Microsoft, Ericsson, EPAM, Huawei, Nokia Corporation, as well as telecom operators and Internet service providers adapts our graduates to work both in the specified companies and enterprises engaged in information and communication technologies, software platforms and services, databases, information repositories, data centers, calculations in the global environment for administrative positions as developers of Internet services and administrators of data centers, databases, electronic information repositories.

Educational program

"Systems of electronic communication and the Internet of Things"

The educational program “Systems of electronic communiactions and the Internet of Things” is aimed at mastering by graduates of special knowledge on construction of communication networks of the next generation (multiservice networks) which provide rendering of a full set of modern and perspective services with flexible possibilities on their management, creation of a universal multiprotocol transport network with distributed switching based on software switches (Soft Switch), as well as access networks that provide connection of user terminal devices and integration with traditional communication networks.

The educational program “Systems of electronic communiactions and the Internet of Things” provides an opportunity for graduates to acquire special knowledge in:

  • introduction and implementation of methods of convergence (interaction and combination) of telecommunication systems and networks;

  •  synthesis of modern multiservice networks;

  •  re-planning and modernization of telecommunication systems and networks;

  • control methods using appropriate protocols and interfaces of control systems of telecommunication systems and networks;

  • planning and design of photonic (fiber-optic) high-speed transport systems and networks;

  • features of the organization of telecommunication networks in the deployment and operation of cellular technologies of the 3rd (3G), 4th (4G), 5th (5G) generations;

  • network planning of synchronization of communication operators;

  • operation of technical means of telecommunication systems and networks;

  •  technologies of technical and cryptographic protection of information;

  •  calculation of parameters of adaptive telecommunication systems;

  •  creation of virtual private networks (VPN) based on MPLS technology;

  •  establishing interconnection of telecommunication networks of different generations.

The educational program “Systems of electronic communiactions and the Internet of Things” provides fundamental theoretical and applied training in the general program of knowledge “17 Electronics and Telecommunications”, specialty “172  Telecommunications and Radio Engineering” at three levels of higher education: bachelor, master, doctor of philosophy.

The bachelor’s degree provides graduates with competencies on the theoretical foundations of construction, installation, commissioning, monitoring, diagnosing the state of equipment and software of information and telecommunication systems, television and radio networks, transmission systems, switching systems, access equipment and end devices.

The master’s degree provides the acquisition of competencies for the improvement, design and implementation of new and innovative telecommunications systems and networks to create the architecture of networks and systems of new generations (NGN, FGN) in accordance with the requirements of the International Telecommunication Union and other institutions and implementation of new information and communication services based on this architecture.

The level of Doctor of Philosophy provides the acquisition of competencies in forecasting the development of telecommunications systems, conducting research in these areas, the introduction of new areas of development of electronic communications systems and networks.


"Engineering of innovative information and telecommunication technologies and systems"

In accordance with the rapid growth of demand for information communication systems and services, there is an urgent and permanent need to train specialists who will not only have knowledge of the development, debugging, administration and improvement of the information communication infrastructure of operators/communication service providers (especially 5G mobile cellular systems), television, data transmission (Internet services), but also knowledge of information communication systems and technologies for the formation of a software platform, languages and programming tools, specialized software applications, protocols and technologies for data processing and transmission with a given quality of service, as well as cyber security, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, "cloud" technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) and M2M/D2D machine interaction systems.