IEEE UkrMiCo-2023 Plenary session – opening and welcome speeches resume

Submitted byGleb Avdeyenko onчт, 16/11/2023 - 22:12

Opening speeches were given by

  • Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dr.Sc., Prof. Mykhailo Zgurovsky, who underscored continuing of CriMiCo conference tradition in UkrMiCo conference contributing to digital transformation of the society;

  • Chair of IEEE Ukraine Section Ievgen Pichkalov, greeting participants for their contribution;

  • First Vice-President of Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine, Dr.Sc., Prof. Maksym Strikha, saying how important telecommunications studies are now while facing challenges by Russian invasion and how he hopes to relocate conference back to Ukrainian Crimea;

  • Director of Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania, Dr.Sc., Prof. Gintaras Valušis, who welcomed participants of the conference;

  • Honorary Chairperson, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dr.Sc., Scientific Adviser of Educational and Research Institute of Telecommunication Systems, IEEE Life Senior Member Prof. Mykhaylo Ilchenko addressed the participants

Dear conference participants !

On behalf of UkrMiCo, let me extend a warm welcome to you, and declare the start of our conference.

The 6th IEEE UkrMiCo conference informs the scientific community and society about the latest advances in information and communications technologies and radio electronics. This year, a new and exciting addition to the conference scope was made, featuring the history of science, which provides an opportunity to learn more about the rich history of information and communication technologies, and their impact on our world today.

One more important point: our conference topics are timely and relevant to strengthening national security and defense, that is urgent task for all scientific society taking into the account wartime in our country.

The organizing committee has received 99 abstracts from potential participants in the conference, representing scientists from Ukraine, Sweden, the UK, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Poland, and Latvia. Ukrainian scientists represent this field of science in 48 leading universities, partner, and scientific institutions, including Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Lviv Polytechnic National University, National Aviation University, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, and V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

The content of the historical section is mainly formed fromreports made by scientists from Dobrov Research Institute On Scientific And Technological Potential And Science History of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Among the presentations of researches from this institute, is one dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the outstanding Ukrainian scientist, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Yuri Oleksiyovych Khramov.

A large group of 42 experts reviewed the contents of the submissions and prepared 270 reviews. Ten out of 30 highest-rated submissions were selected for the conference plenary session, and a total of 87 submissions (80% of the total) were included in the conference program. These submissions are divided into four sections:

- Computer Science - 12 reports;

- Communications - 18 reports;

- Microwave Technology - 23 reports;

- Electron Devices - 17 reports;

- History - 17 reports.

The 4-day conference will take place from November 13 to 16, 2023. All remote participants were registered yesterday. Today, the plenary session will be held, featuring 10 reports from all five conference research areas. On November 15, six section sessions will be held, including two simultaneous subsections for the Microwave Technology section.

On November 16, the final plenary session will be held to discuss the conference findings. Papers included in the program and presented at the conference sessions will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, where they will be indexed in multiple international scientific databases, including Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar.


Dear conference participants!

I am pleased to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who made the 6th IEEE UkrMiCo Conference possible, including:

  • the authors of the reports, who shared their new and noteworthy scientific achievements with us;

  • the reviewers, who objectively evaluated the submitted reports;

  • the members of the organizing committee, specifically, IEEE Ukraine Section leadership and representatives,

  • the conference partners, leading universities, and high-tech companies associated with the daily activities of UkrMiCo participants.

Dear colleagues, I wish us all a successful 2023 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Radio Electronics!

I want to express special gratitude to our foreign colleagues prof. Joachim Oberhammer and prof. Gintaras Valušis, who take part in our conference

Thank you!


Mykhaylo ILCHENKO – Honorary Chairperson, IEEE Life Senior Member